Remarkable Links between Hearing & Brain Health

New research is revealing that there are strong and surprising connections between hearing health and brain health, some of the links have surfaced remarkable insights, even the mildest cases of hearing loss can impact brain health!
Research reveals that our most neglected sense has a vital connection to brain health. Untreated hearing loss causes cognitive overload on the brain, filling our short-term memory as we attempt to process sound.
The frustration leads to avoidance of communicating because it is ineffective, stressful, and tiring. But people are unaware of the impact this overload takes on the brain.
Did you know? Improving hearing is the prime modifiable risk factor for Dementia. The message is that improving your hearing, improves your brain health. It’s topical to keep your mind vibrant, vital, and active …neglecting your hearing diminishes this. By hearing better, we can improve our brain health and well-being, and we can give our life more meaning.
Our sense of hearing gives us connection and enjoyment…listening to the sounds of life, laughter, conversation, music, bird song or other sounds that bring us pleasure. Effective communication not only brings connection but eases the burden placed on the brain when we strain to hear.
Research reveals the impact of untreated hearing loss on Dementia, and remarkably how it also increases the chance of falling over. The greater the hearing loss the more negative the impact. Even mild hearing loss can have a negative impact on brain health. Research indicates that brain health and well-being increase when we improve our hearing.
AUDiOHEALTH have a panel of Hearing Experts to share insights on these connections, revelations, and solutions. If you are pro-active about maintaining your brain-health and being as vital as possible then this seminar will give you the insights and tools, you need.
Register for our free educational seminars in October;
Cairns – Wednesday 4th October, 10:00 am at Brother’s Leagues Club by calling (07) 4041 7860.
Sydney – Wednesday 11th October, 11.30am at Roseville RSL Club by calling (02) 8880 9922.