Assistance & Rebates

How can we help you?

We understand that your hearing aid purchase is a substantial investment

We are happy to offer a discount for Seniors and Interest Free Payment Plans for our valued clients.

It is a requirement for 50% of the total cost of the hearing instrument/s to be paid at the time of fitting. The remaining balance may be paid in installments over three, six or twelve months (administration fees apply). Please ask your clinician for full details.

As an older Australian or Veteran, if you have a hearing loss, you may be eligible to receive a hearing services voucher. Check with our team about which cards are eligible.

Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card
Centrelink Sickness Allowance
DVA Pensioner Concession Card
DVA Gold Health Repatriation Card
DVA White Health Repatriation Card
Dependant of a concession card holder
Member of the Australian Defence force

If you are eligible to apply for a hearing services voucher, you may either: Get an application from your hearing service provider, call the Office of Hearing Services on 1800 500 726

If your assessment shows a hearing loss which may be improved with hearing aids you will be offered in the first instance, a ‘Free to Client’ aid, which is completely subsided through the Office of Hearing Services program.

Our Locations

We have multiple friendly locations in Far North Queensland. Please feel free to get in touch with one of our friendly team, to see how we can assist you will all of your hearing needs.

Visiting Clinics


Innisfail Medical Centre

1-5 Owen Street Innisfail, 4860

1800 301 231



Mareeba Medical Clinic

2 Lloyd Street Mareeba, 4880

(07) 4091 1689