Workplace Audiometric Testing

Keeping Your Ears Safe

We have formal training in Australia’s first Work Health & Safety Act-compliant Occupational Audiometry course.

Do you require a pre, post or regular employment hearing assessment? These assessments take around 45 minutes and include a detailed assessment report and test results.

Persons conducting a business must provide hearing assessments for any worker who is frequently required to use personal hearing protection to protect the worker from hearing loss associated with noise that exceeds the exposure standards.

This is the first assessment conducted within 3 months of a new employee commencing work. This assessment will be valid for 10 years and all subsequent monitoring assessments will be compared against it. Contact our team for more information.

Monitoring assessments are conducted every 12 – 24 months and should be conducted during or shortly after a work shift with exposure to noise. We also provide training and guidance employees on personal hearing protection.

Our Locations

We have multiple friendly locations in Far North Queensland. Please feel free to get in touch with one of our friendly team, to see how we can assist you will all of your hearing needs.

Visiting Clinics


Innisfail Medical Centre

1-5 Owen Street Innisfail, 4860

1800 301 231



Mareeba Medical Clinic

2 Lloyd Street Mareeba, 4880

(07) 4091 1689